"Oho! You took up my offer!"
"I'm flattered!"
"...though, I'm afraid our chance to chat is severed by the ties of time and space.
A pity, I would have loved nothing more than to have shared a tea with you."
" -but it matters not! Although we may not be able to speak face to face...
I can at least offer a bit of insight!"

"What's a candle and crow doing here?"
"If I may let you in on a little crow to candle secret..."
"A lock that lays asleep is hidden in the walls.
Listen for the calls of the clock in the halls,
when the darkest hour sees the light,
the embered key will burn it bright."
"Which is to say... I plan to open this lock,
and share its contents with all of candlekind."
"Only thing is, somewhere along this path we found ourselves lost,
and through this system of the halls our paths have crossed."

"Why would we set up here?"
"Why, because I knew we would find you here, of course."
"Hahahaha! You couldn't let me have this, could you?
Alright, alright."
"So, you're curious as to why we'd set up shop here, is that it?"
"Well, let's just say there are a few things not even the Manor should know of.
I suspect what Stasia and I are after is something the Manor is doing its best to hide."
"Don't you notice something different in the very air of this place?
It's almost as if the Manor doesn't have any influence here..."

"Where did the crows come from?"
"While I'm sure Stasia would love to tell you, I'm afraid the details are rather... blurry.
Nobody knows how the crows reached such a place as this, but alas,
the Manor sought them to be new prey."
"Can you believe they once harbored jet black feathers? It's true!"

"How did you and Stasia meet?"
"To keep a long story short... I found Stasia on the floor.
She looked terribly weak."
"Her murder was... well, she was alone."
"I kept her alive, the only way I knew how."
"Truthfully, I thought our first encounter was our last,
but Stasia, she's got a fire about her."
"I couldn't ask for a better friend in such a world."